once someone said we wished we were orphaned too so that Imam Ali would indulge us so much
رهبر انقلاب:
در روایتی هست که آنقدر امیرالمؤمنین با دست خودش به دهان یتیمان غذا گذاشت که یک نفر گفت آرزو کردیم کاش ما هم یتیم میشدیم تا امیرالمؤمنین اینطور به ما لطف میکرد! آنقدر ناشناس به خانه فقرا و مساکین و گرفتارها و از راهماندهها سر زد که معروف است بعد از ضربت خوردن آن حضرت، فهمیدند آن انسانِ رحیم چه کسی بوده که می آمده است و او را نمیشناختهاند!10/10/78
Ayatollah Khamenei:
There is a narration which says that #Imam_Ali would give food to the orphans with his own hands so many times that once someone said we wished we were orphaned too so that Imam Ali would indulge us so much! He would pay visits to the poor and the needy and the troubled and the stranded so often and so incognito that it is commonly said that it was only after he was stabbed that they just began to realize who that merciful person who would visit them and they never knew him! 31/12/1999